Salesforce Digital Signature Collection | Formstack for Salesforce
Digital Signature Collection
Digital Signature Collection
Formstack For Salesforce
Digital Signature Collection
Digital Signature Collection
Digital Signature Collection

Save time with seamless Salesforce digital signature workflows

Use Formstack Sign to automatically send your Salesforce documents to customers, partners, and employees for eSignature.

Collect signatures with ease

Combine the power of Formstack Sign with Documents for Salesforce to enable your team to deliver documents for signature via email or text. Once signed, sync signed documents back to Salesforce to update relevant records.

Get documents signed quickly

Simplify your Salesforce document workflows with Formstack Sign, a digital signature automation solution that lets you gather and sign documents on any device.


With digital document signing, users can sign documents using a computer, tablet, or mobile device.


Set up reminders via email, text, or both depending on your participants and the needs of your signature workflow.


Save your field placements as a template that can be applied to other documents.

How It Works

Enable digital signatures for all your Salesforce documents

Step 1: Send a link to participants that redirects them to a signing page, where they can click on the highlighted field to sign, initial, date, or provide other information.

Step 2: When signing or entering initials, participants can use an auto-generated signature or draw their signature with their finger.

Step 3: Once all required fields are complete and the participant agrees to do business electronically, the document is signed, finalized, and sent back to Salesforce for storage.

To learn more about creating Salesforce digital signature workflows with Formstack Sign, check out these help articles.

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